5+ Interesting points while buying trophies online 2019

We know well that humans by nature are responding appreciations for their efforts positively. In professional life, the same applies to encourage certain improvements, productivity, and enhance overall management.

However, monetary incentives like increments and bonuses have remained effective up to retention and loyalty like essential traits. To achieve something beyond it, modern businesses or industries are looking for some innovative ideas.

Giving online trophies, awards, medals, plaques, and gifts are ancient ideas but applicable in contemporary ways. With the advent of manufacturing technologies and acceptance of the new design, varieties, and purposes have changed the scenario of the industry.

The corporate world has recognized the contributions of the appreciations techniques early and increased the consumptions of trophies, awards, medals, and plaques gradually.

Therefore, today management at various organizations always is in search of the right places and clues to buying the right trophies. Online shops or eCommerce is an excellent option to explore the local and global market for right online awards.

Unfortunately, people when going to buy trophies for their events, they confuse a lot to make the right selections for the place, trophy ideas, quality, and several other aspects. To ease their tasks, I have written the current post by giving useful tips. Let’s explore at least ten hints to make buying process smooth and meaningful.

1. Reputations of Trophy Manufacturer or Supplier in the Market


In online business establishing trust is a tricky and tough thing. In the brick-and-mortar shop, shoppers come into contact of sales representatives or owners directly. Body gestures, body language, and verbal communication break the barriers of distrust easily.

In the online shop, you have a few things to rely on to build customer trust. The About Us page is the first opportunity to introduce the face behind the business and provide information like the personality of owner/staff members, contact information, and testimonials or references.

Moreover, shoppers also examine your Terms & Condition page, Delivery options, and Return Policy page. These content are trust building and proving right on various review sites where chances of content manipulation are zero, grant you a big reputation among your targeted audience.

2. Trophy Availability as Per Category

Accumulating a big inventory that covers most of the categories for trophies and awards is investment demanding adventure. Therefore, a few trophy storefronts are offering online trophies for all categories including sports, academic, media, music, and corporate needs.

Moreover, an emerging trend for innovative designs and purposes also compelling manufacturers to constant invest in the business. So, checking the availability of your trophy or award category is essential before buying the product.

3. Trophy Availability as Per Occasions/Events

Many trophy selling ecommerce stores offer products for most of the categories but unable to cover all occasions-based trophies and awards. It is true that trophy design and engraving alter from one occasion to another. Thus, the trophy manufacturer or supplier has to update the stock online and in the warehouses before the occasion comes.

Similarly, seasonal sports and events are demanding changes in the stock throughout the year. So, check the availability based on your event or occasion/celebration.

4. Trophy Design Attributes


When you use the same material for your trophy hierarchy like for 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place winner, it is imperative to create apparent differences in it by giving different weights. So, 1st place trophy should be heavier than the 2nd place and so on.


Just like the weight attribute, size attribute also leaves the same impressions when you give the biggest size trophy to the 1st place winners compared to the rests. Top position winners always feel more pride when they have a heavyweight and bigger size trophy in their hands and showing to the public/audience during the trophy giving ceremonies.


Some trophy characters and designs contain contextual details that can impress onlookers of the trophy and set it apart from the crowd/heap of trophies available as standard design or the same design in each shop. Select such unique trophies for your events in the right contexts or go for customization to do it.

Engraving Space:

In sports, academy, and similar categories, trophy type more often found perpetual. The same trophy is given year-after-year to the winners of the rank. Each year, details of a winner like a name and a year are adding on the trophy through engraving at the base place or on the given space.

Similarly, one-time trophies also contain many details demanding more space than the usual. So, check whether your selected trophies have the same or custom medal services available to provide it.

5. Trophy – Availability as Per Budget

Cost of trophies is a big detrimental factor in buying decisions. Corporates are purchasing a big lot, and buying remains a continuous process for large organizations and big sports clubs as well as big universities or schools.

Therefore, check discounts on bulk purchases, and other incentives go with it. If you open your budget and trophy requirements to the genuine trophy manufacturers like Olympia in Australia, you definitely will have solutions for it.

6. Trophy Material Quality

In the past, metallic trophies were highly used like gold trophies for the top or 1st place winners, silver and bronze were for 2nd & 3rd places, and so on. Later on, with the advent of technologies, glass and acrylic like translucent materials have gained popularity.

Fortunately, today we have a resin like the cheapest yet the most elegant option available to show your creativity in all aspects of trophy making. You can simulate metal, wood, and other material-based appearance easily with resin.

Some events are more auspicious and occur seldom. Therefore, gold and silver like precious metals are appropriate material for your trophies and awards. Today, corporates are selecting acrylic and resin as their choice of material for most of the occasions and events.

Unfortunately, all trophy manufacturers/suppliers are using different grades of materials, be it metal, acrylic, or resin. You should know to check the quality of materials used in your trophy orders or consult Olympia like a reliable supplier to get the best of the breed.

In short, check your trophy supplier for the choice of material and craftsmanship available for customization.

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